WARNING: This Blog May Contain Nuts

As some of you are aware, I visited the vets for a small 'procedure' on Friday. I would like to tell you it was something rather fabulous and celeb-worthy like peck implants or teeth veneers however it was not, I did in fact go for the 'snip'. When Mum first told me all about this I ...

Socky Sausage

Over the last few weeks Mum has found a few (by a few I mean THREE) pairs of sausage dog themed socks. It must be because Autumn is coming and the doggy Mum's need to keep their tosies warm. She's been storing them up so I thought I would share them with you so you ...

Sausage Sum Up

August A Wiener Trim (literally) - Nanny & Mum decided I needed a bit of a trim to look a bit smarter. Ladies, if you want to see a dachshund Chippendale then this is the blog for you... Look What I've Sniffed Out - Dad found this lovely doorstop in Homebase. Jeffrey on Mutts & Hounds - I did some modelling ...